PHOTOS: Is this Albie Casino?

Albie Casino photo scandal? I'd like love that! But sorry you guys, the photo is real but it's no Albie Casino.
Upon seeing the photo, I knew right and then that it's not Albie. The guy in the picture is actually Matthew Belino featured in Frontman Magazine. I'm sure about this because I have a copy of the mag and Matthew has been one of my nightly fantasies. That photo's my favorite one. teehee! There's more from the magazine... I guess I'd share the photos once I remember where I stocked the magazine in my room. (That was 2009 pa yata the last time I fantasized about him along with Adrian Racho and Harry Laurel who were also featured in the magazine. LOL)

BTW who knows the whereabouts of this guy?

Matthew, if you're reading this, leave me a message. *wink*


For now, here are some photos of Matthew Belino:
