PHOTOS: Devina DeDiva Racist Comments to Miss World 2013 Megan Young and the Filipino Domestic Helpers

Filipinos were outraged by a status update made by a certain Devina Dediva on Facebook regarding the win of Miss Philippines in the recently concluded Miss World 2013:
devina dediva racist comment
The alleged Facebook status update of a Devina DeDiva: "Miss Philippines is Miss World? What a joke! I did not know those maids have anything else in them."
Several people commented to the alleged Facebook status in disagreement to what DeDiva posted. But DeDiva continued to criticize the newly crowned Miss World, Megan Young, and the Filipino people.

...if you think you've read enough, wait 'till you see this screenshot:

CAUTION: The screenshot below will surely bring out the 'Gabriela Silang' or 'Andres Bonifacio'... or even the 'Hulk' in you. Please go to a safe and private place where you won't be able to hurt anyone. *LOL*

Honest to death! Just reading this made me want to slap this girl in the face. But no! I am better than that... WE FILIPINOS are better than that!

To my fellow Filipino, let's not pick / stop picking on this girl for her ignorance... instead let's show her what 'educated' is all about and how 'educated people' should act. 'Nuff said!
"Never ever argue with a fool, people might not know the difference."
In consolation, I'm glad many still are HUMAN enough to see the bigger picture... unlike the Miss DeDiva who's so full of herself.



  1. She looks like a HAS BEEN WHORE...hey miss stink, mark my words: You'll have sleepless nigths...
